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    888-602-8074 5:00am - 5:00pm Mon - Fri (PT) for assistance from one of our Background Specialists.
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    5:00am - 5:00pm Mon - Fri (PT)


    Earn more business with increased industry visibility.
    Real Estate Background Check
    Our background screening package meets recognized industry standards and includes a 1-year listing in our Real Estate Background Directory.
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    Corporate Solutions
    Do you own or operate a business in the real estate industry? Learn about bulk screening for your contractors or employees.
    Find Out More
    Search Criteria
    Backgrounds Online will prepare a background screening package that is specific to the real estate industry, score your results against industry standards utilized by title and mortgage companies and provide a copy of the results within a few business days.
    Gain Notoriety
    in your Industry
    With your purchase, you'll receive a 1-year directory listing on rebackgrounds.com/directory. This gives settlement service providers, AMC's, BPO Providers, mortgage servicers, asset managers and more an easy way to find you and see that you've been background screened.
    Bulk Screening
    Need to screen multiple applicants, staff or contractors to help increase workplace safety? Contact Backgrounds Online for bulk screening options. They provide online screening solutions for every industry.
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